Happy Birthday to me!!! I set a goal at the end of August to lose 25 lbs by my Birthday and I did it! I am so happy, so proud of myself, so excited!!!
Here I am now
Here I am at my highest
Just a bit of a difference, don't ya think?
Another after pic-
Not to much further to reach my end goal, Yay!!
Well I think the hubster is getting my new camera today, so I should have oodles of pics coming up soon!
Until later,
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
So it has been awhile and I have missed you all so much! I know that from the title you would think this might be a sad post, but NO!! I did get diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but I am actually so relieved to know that I am not crazy, that what I am feeling is real and most of all that this is managable and more than likely without drugs!!
I have been working on so many things around the house so I have much to post and I am hoping with a little luck I can get some things blogged about!! Also, my Birthday is coming and I have been hinting, you know the circled pictures, the notes on his steering wheel the constant nagging, haha jk, but the hubster definetly knows this little wife wants a new camera! So hopefully the pictures posted will be much nicer in near future!
Its so nice to chat with you all again, I have missed you all so much!
Until later,
I have been working on so many things around the house so I have much to post and I am hoping with a little luck I can get some things blogged about!! Also, my Birthday is coming and I have been hinting, you know the circled pictures, the notes on his steering wheel the constant nagging, haha jk, but the hubster definetly knows this little wife wants a new camera! So hopefully the pictures posted will be much nicer in near future!
Its so nice to chat with you all again, I have missed you all so much!
Until later,
Friday, October 28, 2011
Friday thoughts..
I really have so much to share but I have not had a chance to download my pictures so stay tuned cuz next week is going to be full of pictures and projects!
Until later,
Until later,
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Something that I am thankful for...
I am so thankful that I had good teachers in school. The hubster just went back to school on Monday this week and he is finding that he never learned some of the most basic of math. He doesn't know his multiplication tables. I find that so crazy because I remember so clearly learning that in 3rd grade. Thank you Mrs. Thornock!! Teachers have such a dramatic input on our lives and if they value that than we have to be so grateful and thankful. I can truly say that I can only think of having one teacher that I didn't completely appreciate. Also, I tried very hard to make sure that the teachers my kids had to deal with were only the best, of course this was not always the case but they did know that I was always an involved parent, which I am positive makes a difference in how your child is taught. Did you have great teachers or do you have any bad teacher stories to share? I would love to hear them.
Until later,
Until later,
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wednesday Wow...
I am going to throw out my Wednesday Wow to the amazing people who work with the homeless community. I work on a committee with many agencies who work diligently to help people who are temporarily homeless to those who are chronically homeless. I am amazed at their dedication and at the changes that are being made because of them. We all should think about our homeless especially at this time with the holidays coming up. Remember even your smallest contribution is incredibly helpful. Drop a can of food off at your newest food bank or even better donate a turkey.
Until later,
Until later,
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Yikes...Tuesday to dos...
Let's count how many of the to dos I did, one... Umm, yep that's right I did one thing on my list. I attempted to shop with coupons, and well it wasn't so great, but I am not giving up ;) Other than that I did nothing on my list! However, I did get my prize box sent out to Kimberly, yay! So for this week I will again work on:
1. The vanity's
2. Christmas shopping
And in addition
3. Putting my craft/style room together!
Wish me luck!
Until later,
1. The vanity's
2. Christmas shopping
And in addition
3. Putting my craft/style room together!
Wish me luck!
Until later,
Monday, October 24, 2011
Weekend report...
The hubster went deer hunting over the weekend so I had the house to myself! It was so quiet, while I miss him when he is away, it is nice to be alone sometimes! I went thrifting with Ashley, we found some amazing things that I will be sharing in a future post. I had my grandie Boston most of the day on Saturday and he is teething, poor little goomba! :( My other grandie Taylor got her first hair cut, of course I left my camera at home so I can't post the picture, but I will put it up tomorrow. It is so dang cute!! I watched my two newest addictions on demand - The Sisterwives and Extreme Couponing, they both drive me crazy but I can't quit watching, ughh! Other than that I did the normal, clean the house and laundry. Pretty uneventful, but very nice.
Until later,
Until later,
Simple Sunday...
Sunday flew away and I really just completely forgot to post. So this is for my Simple Sunday thought of the day.
In our busy lives of errands and appointments we often lose touch of the important things in life.
Then out of the blue, there is that moment, sometimes tragic, sometimes wonderful. In that one instance, everything is put back in perspective and our purpose becomes perfectly clear...if only for a moment. Cherish it.
Until later,
In our busy lives of errands and appointments we often lose touch of the important things in life.
Then out of the blue, there is that moment, sometimes tragic, sometimes wonderful. In that one instance, everything is put back in perspective and our purpose becomes perfectly clear...if only for a moment. Cherish it.
Until later,
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Saturday Silly...
Just a silly little thought from my 3-year old grandie Taylor, upon the first meeting of her little baby brother she said "Mommy, I would have appreciated it if he was a little bigger!". Silly girl, she wanted him to be able to play with her!
Until later,
Until later,
Friday, October 21, 2011
Saving at the Grocery Store...
So I went grocery shopping last night with coupons and sales ads in hand and still spent $395.00. Ughhh!!!! I seriously need some advice on saving money at the grocery store. I saved $15 with coupons but obviously that is not enough. We don't have any stores in the area that will double coupons. I am thinking that I obviously need to change stores which makes me so sad because I love the quality of the meat and produce at my store and I also love the customer service. Sacrifices will have to be made, erghhh. So how do you all save money? I really do need some good advice.
Until later,
Until later,
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Things I am Thankful for Thursday...
I am thankful for so many things that it would be pages and pages if I listed them all! What a lucky person I am!! I am so thankful that I'm really at a place in my life where I feel very comfortable. It isn't about money or the lack of money, or anything like that. It is just about a feeling of being comfortable in my own skin. Being comfortable with who I am and what I am doing with my life. I like it, I like me and for that I am very thankful!
Me and My handsome hubster, who I am also very thankful for!!
Until later,
Me and My handsome hubster, who I am also very thankful for!!
Until later,
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wednesday WOW!...
So for awhile Wednesday's are going to be about WOW's around here. They may be amazing, they may be happy, they may be funny or they may be very sad. Today I have two WOW's. First of all I have to say WOW, I am sooooo slow, I have not sent out the giveaway that Kimbely won about a million years ago, seriously as I type this, her pretty little box full of goodies sits on the table next to the door begging to be mailed out to its rightful owner!! I am so sorry Kimberly, again I promise you it will go out this weekend!!! My second WOW is so terribly horrible and sad. We just heard on our local news today that a young girl who has been missing for over a month was found in a shallow grave in Morgan. My heart is breaking into a million pieces for the Mom who will never be able to hold her daughter close again, for the family who will ache to hug her and the friends who will miss her laughter. WOW, how do these horrible things happen? We live in this beautiful world and yet things like this cause us to live with the subtle yet constant fear for our own children. Please send prayers to Alexis Rasmussen's family and remember to hug your loved ones close.
Until later,
Until later,
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Tuesday's To Do's..
So for a little while my Tuesday theme will be called Tuesday's To Dos. How clever is that?! I am actually very excited and hopeful that this will help to get me motivated to do some projects that I desperately need to do. So for my first Tuesday's To Do list I will
1. Start working on the two Space Saving Vanity's I promised.
2. Start Christmas Shopping.
3. Seriously attempt coupon shopping this week.
I will report my progress on these to do's next Tuesday. Wish me luck!
Until later,
1. Start working on the two Space Saving Vanity's I promised.
2. Start Christmas Shopping.
3. Seriously attempt coupon shopping this week.
I will report my progress on these to do's next Tuesday. Wish me luck!
Until later,
Monday, October 17, 2011
I am not lost...really I'm not...
Well it really has been a while and I have no excuses, other than life that it is. I have truly been swamped at work and at home so I have been so neglectful to my little blog. (crying here). I really have missed posting but the good part is that I have alot to share! I have completely remodeled a room in my house! YAY! I can't wait to share, but even more exciting news is that my Navy Boy David-Alan is here on leave and he is staying in the previously mentioned remodeled room, so it is a disaster! I also have a few crafts to share among other things, so the goal is to post everyday for the rest of the year. I know pretty lofty, but I am going to put a great effort to it! I think I will make theme days to make it a bit easier. So for Mondays it will be a weekend report.
Weekend report #1-
My fabulous Navy Boy arrived at home at about midnight on Friday!! So great to see him! He is such agood boy good man, I really could not be more proud of him. He has been on a ship out to sea for months and months and he is so happy to be home with his family and we are so happy to have him here with us. I do have to say that it is bitter sweet because it is only for 10 days :(
Handome hubster and Navy boy
So of course on Saturday we had all kinds of young men and women coming over to see David-Alan, it was great to see all of his friends all grown up, it is kind of crazy to see them as responisble adults, the last time I saw most of them they were monster teenagers! haha! On Sunday we had a dinner with all of our kids (except Army Boy since he is in Texas)so we had a house full with 7 kids and thier spouses and all of my grandies, it was heaven! I love these times, watching the little cousins play and our adult kids interacting with each other. I truly feel so blessed, they are all doing so well and get along with each other so great, we are so fortunate to have such an amazing family!
So how was your weekend? Anything exciting to share?
Until later,
Weekend report #1-
My fabulous Navy Boy arrived at home at about midnight on Friday!! So great to see him! He is such a
Handome hubster and Navy boy
So of course on Saturday we had all kinds of young men and women coming over to see David-Alan, it was great to see all of his friends all grown up, it is kind of crazy to see them as responisble adults, the last time I saw most of them they were monster teenagers! haha! On Sunday we had a dinner with all of our kids (except Army Boy since he is in Texas)so we had a house full with 7 kids and thier spouses and all of my grandies, it was heaven! I love these times, watching the little cousins play and our adult kids interacting with each other. I truly feel so blessed, they are all doing so well and get along with each other so great, we are so fortunate to have such an amazing family!
So how was your weekend? Anything exciting to share?
Until later,
Friday, September 23, 2011
How I feel about Drugs and Alcohol Day 20 of 30 Days of Truth...
Day 20 My view on drugs or alcohol. I have had some very serious up close and personal experiences with both drugs and alcohol. My 1st husband was an alcoholic and it led to his death by suicide. His suicide led to both of our children becoming addicted to some very bad drugs. There was a time in my life when I was looking in mall bathrooms and banging on the doors of drug dealers looking for my son. There were times I prayed for him to be arrested. I worked closely with the Strike Force to catch him in the act, when it finally happened it was so heartbreaking. He felt betrayed, I felt relieved. He was sentenced to Drug Court and it saved his life. When my daughter started her adventure with drugs she knew enough from seeing what her brother had been through that she needed help. I am so thankful she came to me and asked me to get her help. Today both of my kids are amazing, they are amazing parents, amazing workers and most important amazing members of society.
Until later,
Until later,
Thursday, September 22, 2011
30 days continuing...
Day 14- A hero that let me down. I have seriously pondered this and I don't have a hero that has let me down. Sorry.
Day 15- Someone or something I can't live without- everyone in my family. I can't live without my hubster, my kids, my grandies, my brothers and thier families or my parents. Don't ask me to, cuz I just can't it aint happening.
Day 16- Someone or something I can live without- Sugar, I quit eating candy, cake, cookies and Icecream about a month ago. I thought I wouldn't be able to do it but it has been really easy and I have lost 15 lbs. since I quit. I am really kind amazed at how easy this has been.
Day 17- Book that has made an impact in my life Book of Mormon for obvious reasons.
Day 18- Views on Gay Marriage- I am one of those people that really feels like what people do behind thier own doors is none of my business. I think people are born gay and should have that right but I don't want to see anyone gay or straight showing to much affection in public.
Day 19- What are my feelings on religion or politics. I think everyone has a right to believe anything they want to. I believe most religions are good
and I would never try force anyone to believe the way I do. With politics I work very close to it and alot times I just get mad! haha!
Until later,
Day 15- Someone or something I can't live without- everyone in my family. I can't live without my hubster, my kids, my grandies, my brothers and thier families or my parents. Don't ask me to, cuz I just can't it aint happening.
Day 16- Someone or something I can live without- Sugar, I quit eating candy, cake, cookies and Icecream about a month ago. I thought I wouldn't be able to do it but it has been really easy and I have lost 15 lbs. since I quit. I am really kind amazed at how easy this has been.
Day 17- Book that has made an impact in my life Book of Mormon for obvious reasons.
Day 18- Views on Gay Marriage- I am one of those people that really feels like what people do behind thier own doors is none of my business. I think people are born gay and should have that right but I don't want to see anyone gay or straight showing to much affection in public.
Day 19- What are my feelings on religion or politics. I think everyone has a right to believe anything they want to. I believe most religions are good
and I would never try force anyone to believe the way I do. With politics I work very close to it and alot times I just get mad! haha!
Until later,
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I am so in a funk...
So obviously you can tell by the lack of me posing at all lately I am in an end of summer funk! Don't get me wrong, I love the Fall Season but I feel like I was a little bit jipped by the short length of Summer this year. Well to myself I say "Self Buck-up, it is what it is so get with it!" First of all we have the matter of the 30 Days of Truth so I am going to finish that, I may do 3 days in one post or I may not do any days in a post but I am going to get it done. So with that being said...I will begin with Day 11- Something I am complimented on- I thing with this one I will go with that I am a really positive person and almost always I am happy-go-lucky, so I am comfortable to be around.
Day 12 - Something I am never complimented on - My math skills, I totally suck at math! Seriously, I am embarrassed to say I scored a 9 on my SAT's.
Day 13- Letter to a band or artist who helped me through a very tough time in my life- Dear Shania, You have no idea how much you helped my through a very difficult time in my life, your music enspired me to move forward after my divorce. Some of the words to your songs were exactly what I was going through at that time. Other songs were so upbeat that I wanted to move forward so I could feel positive again and know that I was making the right choices. It has been 13 years ago that I went through this and I have to thank you because I am now happier than I ever thought possible.
Until later,
Day 12 - Something I am never complimented on - My math skills, I totally suck at math! Seriously, I am embarrassed to say I scored a 9 on my SAT's.
Day 13- Letter to a band or artist who helped me through a very tough time in my life- Dear Shania, You have no idea how much you helped my through a very difficult time in my life, your music enspired me to move forward after my divorce. Some of the words to your songs were exactly what I was going through at that time. Other songs were so upbeat that I wanted to move forward so I could feel positive again and know that I was making the right choices. It has been 13 years ago that I went through this and I have to thank you because I am now happier than I ever thought possible.
Until later,
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I am a dork...
So I am a dork and didn't read the directions very carefully for the Crafting with the Stars! I was supposed to use a project that was from August 1, 2011 or later! So I switched it up and put my kitchen redo instead, hopefully that one will stick!
Until later,
Until later,
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Being brave and entering Crafting with the Stars....
So I decided to be brave and enter Season 3 of Crafting with the Stars over at Sew Dang Cute Crafts with my cute little Adorable Space Saving Vanity! Please go over and check out all of the amazing entries!
Until later,
Until later,
Friday, September 2, 2011
I have lost my list!!...HELP..
Somehow I have lost my entire list of blogs I follow!! Does anyone know what I could have done to cause this!! This is such a bad thing, now I will have to start over! :(
Cute little desk for a cute little girl...
So I found this cute little desk for $3 at Savers - Sorry the pic is not great, but you get the gist. Then I sanded away- and painted with these- and attached this- Again not a great pic, but I wanted you to see it. Then I found this little chair and paid $2 at the DI I painted it with this - and covered it with this- and here if the final result- And the cute little girl loves it!! Until later, Hugs, Shelly
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Welcome to the world, Grandie #10!!!....
Jackson Dean came into the world on August 30th, weighing 7lbs and 20 inches long! He is a beauty!
Mommy had preeclampsia so it was a bit scary but she pulled through like a champ and both Mommy and baby are wonderful!!
Until later,
Mommy had preeclampsia so it was a bit scary but she pulled through like a champ and both Mommy and baby are wonderful!!
Until later,
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Day 10....
Someone I need to let go of, or wish I didn't know.
Okay there is someone and I want to be truthful but to save so much trouble I won't mention a name. I will just say that this person is evil and has caused a lot of pain to just about every person they know, their entire family avoids them. I will say that I am sure mental illness is involved. This person can be so hurtful that people are actually afraid of them.
On a much happier note, grandie #10 is being born today!! I am so excited! I will be posting pictures tomorrow!
Until later,
Okay there is someone and I want to be truthful but to save so much trouble I won't mention a name. I will just say that this person is evil and has caused a lot of pain to just about every person they know, their entire family avoids them. I will say that I am sure mental illness is involved. This person can be so hurtful that people are actually afraid of them.
On a much happier note, grandie #10 is being born today!! I am so excited! I will be posting pictures tomorrow!
Until later,
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Little red table...
So my daughter moved out this past weekend. I don't really know if I am happy or sad. I am proud of her and her little family for being so grown-up and responsible but at the same time I am sure I will miss them.
Especially this little guy :(
Anyway, Ashley had a little table that she wanted me to redo, she will use it inside right now but outside in the future.
Here are the before pics-
Not too cute, huh?
So I used this paint that I had on hand I think I may have paid a dollar for it at one time.
and Ashley found this beautiful fabric at Savers for $2.50! I couldn't believe it, it is beautiful!
Here are the afters!
I love it! What do you think?
Until later,
Especially this little guy :(
Anyway, Ashley had a little table that she wanted me to redo, she will use it inside right now but outside in the future.
Here are the before pics-
Not too cute, huh?
So I used this paint that I had on hand I think I may have paid a dollar for it at one time.
and Ashley found this beautiful fabric at Savers for $2.50! I couldn't believe it, it is beautiful!
Here are the afters!
I love it! What do you think?
Until later,
Friday, August 19, 2011
Day 9, Someone who drifted away...
Someone who drifted away. This one is easy. I met Julie when she answered an add I had out to babysit. She showed up to my house with this adorable but filthy dirty little girl. She had just picked her up from her current sitter and she hadn't had her diaper changed or her face washed for the entire day. So sad :( Well we hit it off and I started babysitting Cassie the very next day! Julie quickly became my best friend and Cassie became one of my kids than Julie had another daughter. I adored them all. Julie and I went through so much together, its crazy to think back on it. I helped her to leave her abusive ex-husband. Then a few years later she opened her home to me while I was going through my divorce. She was and still is the funniest person I have ever met, she has a very quick wit! There were days that my stomach muscles hurt so bad from the laughing the night before. After awhile we both got remarried. She ended up leaving her second husband though, again an abuser. One day I called her and she didn't answer. I kept calling and calling, still no answer. I went to her apartment and she was gone. I was worried, angry and stressed. I had no idea what had happened to her. I felt so betrayed. I felt like I was the most stable thing in her life and she abandoned me. Around Christmas time that year I got a letter, it was one of those general family letters that basically just says we had a great year everyone is wonderful, you know, one of those letters. So at least I knew they were alive and okay. So about two years later I am in one of my bosses office at work and I came walking out and there sitting at my dest was Julie, Cassie and Kami. I literally nearly fainted. I started crying and trembling. I honestly don't know if I was happy or mad. If I wanted to hug her or hit her. When I asked her where she went, she said she took her girls and ran to get away from her abusive first ex-husband. She ran to Alaska!! She said she didn't tell me because she didn't want me to have to lie to him or the police if they questioned me. Her reasoning didn't change the way I felt. I still felt so betrayed. She now lives in New Hampshire and I don't talk much to her. I am over the hurt and I still love her and adore her girls, especially Cassie, I practically raised her for 9 years, but our friendship really isn't the same and never will be. I have never had another friend that close and honestly I think it is because I was so hurt by Julie that I don't completely trust that something like this wouldn't happen again.
Until later,
Until later,
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Day 8 Someone who made your life horrible...
Someone who made my life unbearable, hmmm, this one takes me back. When I was in highschool I was a class officer and on the Dance team and had alot of friends. However, my boyfriend who was a jock could also be a jerk. He treated people badly. So some of the girl jocks took it out on me. They made fun of me in gym (I really think that it just bugged them because I could do more pull-ups and lift heavier weights, haha) they yelled mean things at me walking through the halls. Pretty much they bullied me. It. Was. Awful. It got bad enough that I went from a girl who was very active and loved school to a girl who just wanted to stay home and hide. Most of the girls were a year older so when they graduated it kind of just faded away. It difinetly gave me perspective on bullies though, so that when I raised my kids I knew how to deal with it. Bullying is never okay, as we see in the news nearly every day, it does impact lives. Some kids just can't deal with it and take thier own lives. Parents need to teach thier kids to treat everyone with respect and also to stand tall. Noone should ever have to live in fear of a bully.
Until later,
Until later,
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Day 7 - Someone who has made my life worth living...
Day 7 - Someone who has made my life worth livig - Wow, I have been so lucky in this aspect. I have so many wonderful people that make my life a joy, of course the hubster, my grandies and all my amazing friends. However, the first thing that came to my mind when I read this question was a time in my life when I was very sick. I was 24 weeks pregnant with my third baby (back then babies born that early very rarely survived). My stomach became very hard and painful so I went to the hospital to find out that I had something call Abruptio Placenta. When the doctor told me that they had to take the baby now or I may not make it, the first thing that came to my mind were my two kids that I already had and how awful it would be to miss them growing up for both them and myself. I knew I had to live for them. They have both made my life unbelievable, I am so thankful that I have been given such great gifts in the two of them. I am truly the luckiest mom in the world.
Until later,
Until later,
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Day 6...
Something I hope I never have to do in my life. This one is so simple. I hope I never have to bury my hubster or one of my children. I had a stillborn baby girl many years ago and every once in awhile it still hits me. If I am watching something on T.V. or reading somethng it could be a trigger and I begin sobbing completely unexpectedly. I feel so sorry for friends of mine who have lost loved ones and I really just don't know how they move forward. I admire thier strength but I really don't think that I have it.
Until later,
Monday, August 15, 2011
Day 5...
So life got in the way and I am really behind on these 30 Days of Truth, but what do you do? You pick up and continue, right? So here goes:
Day 5- Something I hope to do in my life-
Wow this one is so hard, there are so many things. This is going to sound so lame but it really is something I want do. I want to take the hubster to Universal Studios and Disney Land!! I know it seems so unimportant, but he has never been and he is 50!! I think it would be a blast to experience it with him!!
I feel like I should say something like inventing world peace but I am supposed to be honest right?
Until later,
Day 5- Something I hope to do in my life-
Wow this one is so hard, there are so many things. This is going to sound so lame but it really is something I want do. I want to take the hubster to Universal Studios and Disney Land!! I know it seems so unimportant, but he has never been and he is 50!! I think it would be a blast to experience it with him!!
I feel like I should say something like inventing world peace but I am supposed to be honest right?
Until later,
Friday, August 12, 2011
My Kitchen has been featured...
I am so excited!! My little kitchen backsplash redo was featured over at Luxe Boulevard It is such an honor and feels so great when someone appreciates your hard work!! Thank you so much Stephanie! By the way her blog is awesome so you should head on over and check it out!
Until later,
Until later,
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
My extended family is having some major issues and causing me serious stress. If I don't post please understand it is because I am trying to deal. Love to you all.
Until later,
Until later,
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
Day 3...Somethng I have to forgive myself for... Wow this one is so hard there are a couple things, I just don't know which one to write about. Okay here goes - First of all I have to say I am not meaning any disrespect at all to the person I am writing about, he truly was one of my best friends.
In June of 2007 my ex-husband, who was a very good father but also a very bad alcoholic got physical with our son. In all honesty while looking back I think he was probably in a black out because he absolutely adored his children and would never in a million years intentionally hurt them. Anyway, he called me on the phone to tell me his side of what had happened and it became very clear very quick that he was very drunk. He asked to talk to his son and started telling him that everything he owned would now be his and threatening suicide. I have to tell you that this is something he threatened many times in his lifetime so I didn't take it as serious as I should have. The next morning at a few minutes after 7:00 a.m. he called dispatch and told them that he was going to shoot himself and that he wanted the officers to come quickly so that his children would not find his body, he hung up the phone and he took his life. I wish I would have called the police the night before, because I didn't my kids don't have thier dad. I have learned that if someone threatens suicide one time or a hundred times, take them seriously. I need to forgive myself for not calling the police or his wife. I did call his mother but that is another story I will probably never tell. I miss him and his kids miss him more.
I am sorry this is so heavy.
Until later,
In June of 2007 my ex-husband, who was a very good father but also a very bad alcoholic got physical with our son. In all honesty while looking back I think he was probably in a black out because he absolutely adored his children and would never in a million years intentionally hurt them. Anyway, he called me on the phone to tell me his side of what had happened and it became very clear very quick that he was very drunk. He asked to talk to his son and started telling him that everything he owned would now be his and threatening suicide. I have to tell you that this is something he threatened many times in his lifetime so I didn't take it as serious as I should have. The next morning at a few minutes after 7:00 a.m. he called dispatch and told them that he was going to shoot himself and that he wanted the officers to come quickly so that his children would not find his body, he hung up the phone and he took his life. I wish I would have called the police the night before, because I didn't my kids don't have thier dad. I have learned that if someone threatens suicide one time or a hundred times, take them seriously. I need to forgive myself for not calling the police or his wife. I did call his mother but that is another story I will probably never tell. I miss him and his kids miss him more.
I am sorry this is so heavy.
Until later,
Thursday, August 4, 2011
30 day truth challenge...
Day 2..What do I like about myself? hmmm, thats a toughy, I think the one thing I really like about myself is my laugh. My laugh is one of those big,loud laughs! It is actually kind of funny because most people don't expect it and it startles them. My kids mimic me and make fun, but I know that they actually love my laugh too!!
Until later,
Until later,
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
30 days of truth...
Ok here goes day one, first truth...
Something I hate about myself, hmmm I think when I was younger I may have had many things that I hated about myself but as I have grown older and wiser I have learned that everything about me is essential to make me the person I am today and honestly I think I am a good person. I like me and I think most people like me. However, there is one thing I really, really hate about me and that is my migraines.
I hate that I get them and I hate that I have had to claim ownership of them as if they are some prized possession!! Ugghhh! I started getting these lovely headaches as a teenager, I was constantly downing ibuprofen, asprin, tylenol, anything I could get my hands on to try to ease the pain. My parents really didn't get it they used to say I just liked medicines. Really?, who likes those kinds of medicines. Anyway, there have been times when I have headaches every single day, sometimes so bad that they lead to an anxiety attack. I become frightened that they are something more even though I know rationally that they are not. I have been to many doctors and tried many different medications, even becoming dependant on one (don't worry I am off that now). So now I am at a point in my life were I am doing alot of contemplating on my quality of life. I really love my life, I have a great job, a great family and great friends but the migraines do take over at times and it really just ticks me off!! They do affect my quality of life, there are days of work missed and family time interupted and frankly I am not okay with that. So there you have it in a nutshell, what I hate about me. Depressing huh? If anyone has any ideas I am always willing to listen and take advice.
Until later,
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
30 Days of Truth....
So I saw this idea on Live, Laugh, Love your Guts and thought it would be a very interesting thing to try. I have to admit I am a little bit afraid. Some of the questions will be uncomfortable. At the same time I think it will be alot cathartic. So starting tomorrow I will begin my-
30 Days of Truth
Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.
Day 02 → Something you love about yourself.
Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for.
Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.
Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.
Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.
Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.
Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.
Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.
Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.
Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.
Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)
Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)
Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.
Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.
Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.
Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?
Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.
Day 24 → Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)
Day 25 → The reason you believe you’re still alive today.
Day 26 → Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?
Day 27 → What’s the best thing going for you right now?
Day 28 → What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?
Day 29 → Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.
Day 30 → A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself
Wish me luck!
Until later,
30 Days of Truth
Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.
Day 02 → Something you love about yourself.
Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for.
Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.
Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.
Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.
Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.
Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.
Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.
Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.
Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.
Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)
Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)
Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.
Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.
Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.
Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?
Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.
Day 24 → Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)
Day 25 → The reason you believe you’re still alive today.
Day 26 → Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?
Day 27 → What’s the best thing going for you right now?
Day 28 → What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?
Day 29 → Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.
Day 30 → A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself
Wish me luck!
Until later,
Monday, August 1, 2011
Kitchen redo....
Remember this post of my kitchen?
Kitchen before.
Well while I was away I made a few changes-
This is a picture of the kitchen during this remodel.Hubster doing some cabinet painting.
This is the paint we used.
Backsplash in progress, I bought the round clear colored stones at the dollar store and put them up with tile adhesive and then filled them in with grout, really so easy! I have to give thanks and credit to Laura at Design Share, for this idea. Thank you so much Laura, I loved it in your kitchen and I love it in mine!
Finished cabinets.
Finsished backsplash.
Finished kitchen. (well almost, still need to do tiny little finish things!)
I really can not believe how easy this was, it did take time, but was really amazingly easier than I thought it would be and I love it! It brightens up my kitchen so much!
I hope you enjoy my new kitcen as much as I do!
Until later,
Kitchen before.
Well while I was away I made a few changes-
This is a picture of the kitchen during this remodel.Hubster doing some cabinet painting.
This is the paint we used.
Backsplash in progress, I bought the round clear colored stones at the dollar store and put them up with tile adhesive and then filled them in with grout, really so easy! I have to give thanks and credit to Laura at Design Share, for this idea. Thank you so much Laura, I loved it in your kitchen and I love it in mine!
Finished cabinets.
Finsished backsplash.
Finished kitchen. (well almost, still need to do tiny little finish things!)
I really can not believe how easy this was, it did take time, but was really amazingly easier than I thought it would be and I love it! It brightens up my kitchen so much!
I hope you enjoy my new kitcen as much as I do!
Until later,
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
I'm Baaack!...
So I was gone a little longer than I had planned but I have done so many things and thunk so many thoughts, haha! First things first of course I was away when I was supposed to be announcing a fabulous winner so we must of course remedy that first and foremost!! The winner of my fantastic goody box overflowing with fun is Kimberly from Kimberly's Korner!! Yeah Kimberly!! I will email you to get your mailing info and get that right out to you!! Secondly, some of you may have noticed that I took back my original name Nama Halacy's Comfy Cottage, I have actually been doing alot of thinking about what I want my blog to be, and honestly being a Nama to my grandies is one of my favorite things and my life really is all about family so I would like my blog to represent that. And finally, alot of my content will remain the same with posts about crafts and ideas etc., but I will also be posting thoughts, a long time ago I started a blog and thats all it was, thoughts, and then I lost the blog, well I found it and I actually liked the stuff I was writing so I will be doing some of that here. I think that is where I was trying to go with the Dear Shelly idea, but this will be much simpler.
It feels so great to be back, and I have so much to share so please keep reading, I notice I lost one of my followers and it really does break my heart because I think of all of you as friends, so hopefully the rest of you will stick around to see what I have coming up.
Until later,
It feels so great to be back, and I have so much to share so please keep reading, I notice I lost one of my followers and it really does break my heart because I think of all of you as friends, so hopefully the rest of you will stick around to see what I have coming up.
Until later,
Monday, July 4, 2011
I am on vacay for the next two weeks! I hope to check in occasionally, but come back very refreshed!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Look what I did....Adorable lamp!
I saw this idea on another blog and I am so sorry I cannot for the life of me remember who's it was. If you recognize it or if it is yours please let me know and take credit. Anyhoo, obviously I loved it and I had to copy it, especially after tripping over my poor dog Milo in the middle of the night because I had no light!!
Here is what she looked like before (again its a girl, hehe)-
It cost me $3.00 at the DI. I took the fabric off of the lamp shade and took the lamp apart-
I painted the lamp with Krylon Pistachio and Ballet Slipper (because I love the colors and had them on hand) and I put little flowers on the shade, simple!
Here she is in her new home-
I love her and I am sure my ankles will be thanking her since there will be no more midnight tripping!
Dont forget to enter MY AWESOME GIVEAWAY!
Until later,
Here is what she looked like before (again its a girl, hehe)-
It cost me $3.00 at the DI. I took the fabric off of the lamp shade and took the lamp apart-
I painted the lamp with Krylon Pistachio and Ballet Slipper (because I love the colors and had them on hand) and I put little flowers on the shade, simple!
Here she is in her new home-
I love her and I am sure my ankles will be thanking her since there will be no more midnight tripping!
Dont forget to enter MY AWESOME GIVEAWAY!
Until later,
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