Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Look what I made... beautiful tray!

Isn't she beautiful?!
I made her using a fun shaped frame, Krylon Watermelon Spray Paint (love this color), gorgeous scrap book paper called The Blossom Song and lace.
Here are some different views -

I don't know why all of the sudden my projects are hers or hims - too funny!

Thanks for stopping by don't forget to ENTER MY GIVEAWAY

Until later,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Look what I did.. file cab/night stand...

I started with this beauty (not) that has been hiding in my garage for a while now.
I painted it with Krylon Peek-a-boo blue, so yummy!
Which looked great but the top still looked like this -
So I used these -
to get this
Which I loved but felt like something was missing and I could see the seems which I didn't love so I added a little bit of lace to get the final result -
Another angle
Isn't she beautiful?!
And here she is in all her glory in her new home.

Thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to enter my giveaway.

linked to

Organize and Decorate Everything

Until later,

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Awesome giveaway and Dear Shelly...

Okay so far I don't have many entrants for my awesome giveaway so please go check it out and enter, I promise it is AWESOME!!

Now on to Dear Shelly,
Anonymous (Amy) asked-Dear Shelly, how do you have enough time in the day to accomplish everything you do?
The simple answer to that is this- I don't. I am like everyone else with too much to do and too little time to do it in. However, I try, and I am learning all the time with new tools on getting things done and organized. I found an awesome blog called My Happy House and she has an awesome 10-week challenge that really helped me to get my house all organized and happy. Also, I am and always have been a girl of a hundred lists, there is even a song about me! haha!, seriously, I do have a list for everything. I am one of those people who gets a sense of accomplishment from checking things done on my list. Lastly, I always remind myself of what is important, if I am loading the dishwasher and the hubster wants to go for a ride, I go for the ride. Life is short and the people in it are much important than your chores.

Thanks Amy for the question. Please everyone keep the questions coming, ask anything, personal advice, how to's, anything. If I don't have your answer, I will find it.
Until later,

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dear Shelly,

Kimberly from Kimberly's korner asked "how did you meet your husband?"

I met the hubster at work, we worked together for about a year or so and we were both going through a divorce. The company party came up so we decided to go together. The rest as they say is history! Actually, we were friends first so it has always been a very grown-up relationship which is why it works so great. I really do feel lucky to be married to someone I like as much as love!

Emilie from dolce Divine asked "how did you raise 8 amazing kids? Were you a stay at home mom? What's your secret to a happy family?

For the first part we are a blended family, the hubster and I raised 5 of them, the three oldest girls were already 17, 19, and 20 when we married. Together we started with a twelve-year-old, 2 ten-year-olds and 2 eight-year-olds. Honestly it wasn't always easy and it was a lot of work but we did it by having fun and playing together. We all treated each other with respect. There were times that were tough as in all families but I am a fighter and all my kids are worth fighting for.
The answer to the second question is that I was a stay- at-home mom until my youngest was 4. Then I worked full time until I remarried and one of my bonus boys was struggling with school so I went part-time to help him catch up. By necessity I have been full time since.
Third question, my secret to a happy family is, that like i said above, my family is worth everything it takes to make them happy and healthy. Now that they are all grown, our doors are always open to them, my ears are always open to them, my arms are always open to them and most important my heart is always open to them. We have dinner at our house every Sunday and
everyone is invited and we play together as much as possible!
I want to be real here so I will tell you that there have been times when I have had to fight tooth and nail to help my kiddos grow up to be healthy contributing adults, I have been in the principles office, the emergency room and during one of the toughest times I have been known to pound on drug dealers doors (don't mess with this mom's kids!) The most important thing I want to say is this- my family is amazing and everything we have been through, good and bad has been worth it! I am the luckiest mom in the world!

Until later,

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Giveaway reminder...and a weighty topic..30 day challenge..

Awesome giveaway still going on, please enter. Enter Giveaway here!!!!!

Now to a very weighty topic - my weight. I am heavier than I want to be, not because I want to be model skinny but because I want to feel good and healthy. So I am starting a 30 day challenge for myself today, it will entail doing the following every day until July 16 and then re-evaluating:
30 knee bends
30 waist twists
30 push ups
30 crunches
20 minute walk
10 minutes of stretching
Not eating after dinner.
The goal will be to lose 5lbs. and to feel better.
Do you want to join me in this quest? I will be reporting my progress every Thursday, you can report too, it will be fun, the more the merrier!! (I am trying to get myself and you psyched! :))

Until later,

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Look what I made!!...Adorable space saving vanity!!

Look what I made!!
Pictures do not do this justice, I am not kidding this IS
my favorite thing I have ever made!!
Here are some close-ups so you can see why I love it so much!
This is the top panel it is a magnetic chalk board so I can attach my make-up and write positive affirmations! Also, notice the cute little knob and the hook to hang necklaces and scarves!

The next panel is a mirror, so I can see my face while putting on my make-up! (sorry for the glare)

Next is a place for all my earrings, I love having them all organized! Also, another little knob for more necklaces!

This panel is for all my hair accessories!

And last but not least is a little cork board to hang up little things like pictures or Q-tips or notes!

Do you love it?! To make this fun little project you need this-
and these -

It is a section of a picture room divider.
1-8x10 magnetic panel
1-8x10 mirror
1-8x10 piece of plasic canvas
1-8x10 pice of cork board
2 rolls of ribbon
Rustoleum Chalk Board paint
Peekaboo Blue Krylon Paint
Gorilla Glue
2 knobs
1 hook
lace (if you want)

It really is so simple,
Step 1 - Take the room divider apart and paint it with what ever color you love.
Step 2 - Paint the magnetic panel with the black chalk board paint and glue it into the room divider.
Step 3 - Glue the mirror into the room divider.
Step 4 - Cover the plasic canvas with lace (if you want to) and glue it into the room divider.
Step 5 - Glue 3 pieces of ribbon into the divider and then weave 4 other peices through them and glue them to the divider.
Step 6- Glue the corkboard to the room divider.
Step 7- Screw the knobs and the hook to the divider.
Stepl 8- Enjoy your new space saver adorable vanity!!!
Here is a picture of it in its new home-
I can not believe how much I LOVE this!! It is a perfect fit for a small house!

I am linking to-

DIY Club

Until later,

Monday, June 13, 2011

Pay it forward X 2....

Beverly at The Beverly Buzz granted me this lovely award last week. Go visit Beverly --you'll love her blog! I promise!

Ok, so here are the rules:

1. Mention the blogger who gave you the award (see paragraph above) -- done
2. Link to their blog (see paragraph above) -- done
3. Pay It Forward to 5 bloggers.

1. 2 Dogs and a Blog
2. A Diary of a Preppy Mom
3. Bringing Pretty Back
4.Decorating Tennis Girl
5. Divorced at 20

Until later,

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Favorite things Thursday... Giveaway Reminder!!!!

This week I am so excited to share one of my favorite people in the world with you. My cousin Karie! We have been through so much together and sometimes we have gone years without seeing each other and the second we get together its like no time has passed. We have inside jokes that just one word can bring us the ground with laughter! I love, love, love my Cuz!!
Pic isn't great but its the only one I've got and I love it because Karie is in it!

Reminder: AWESOME GIVEAWY I promise it is worth entering!!!

Until later,

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Littlest brothers...

So I had a very exciting Sunday, I met my baby brothers!! They are 29 and 23 and they are adorable!!
The one in the center is Jeff he is 29 and such a big sweetheart and the one on the right in Casey he is a funny character, the one on the left is Steven and I have been lucky enough to have him in my life forever!
These three come with Jeff-
His little wife Tiffany, who is absolutely gorgeous and his little girls are absolutely beautiful as well.
I think that I am the luckiest girl in the world to have 5 little brothers! I can't wait to get to know the littlest ones better!! Now I just need a sister, any takers??

Until later,

Monday, June 6, 2011

Give Away....

I have been waiting to reach 100 followers but I have been stuck at 98 for quite awhile so I have decided I just can't wait any longer to do this awesome giveaway!

Here is a pic of what you get-Do you remember this?!
Isn't that lovely?
But thats not all, cuz this baby is chuck full of goodies! -
From this view you only get a taste- so here is a pic with it all laid out-
There is a little pack of nail polishes, a cute notebook, a cute pen, a necklace, a bracelet, a bath fizzy, a yummy candle, a very cute little antiquey nob, a fridge magnet, a photo brag book, $20 gift card for Walmart and best of all Chocolates!

All you have to do to enter this give-away is to become one of my awesome followers and leave me a note letting me know. If you already are an awesome follower, just let me know!

For an extra entry, post about this giveaway on your blog and leave me a link so I can come check it out.

For another extra entry, leave a question for my Dear Shelly, series...(check that out in Saturdays post).

Please leave a post for each entry, that is a possible 3 entries.

Thats it, pretty simple right?

Giveaway will be open until July 4th, why not have something more to celebrate on that awesome day?!

So let the entering begin! Goodluck and please spread the news, the more the merrier!

Until later,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tommorrow is the big day...

MY AWESOME GIVEAWAY WILL BEGIN TOMMORROW!! Make sure you check back tommorrow morning! I promise you it will be worth it! I am so excited, I can't wait!
See you tommorrow!

Until later,

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dear Shelly....

New idea ladies and gentlemen (I know there are a few of you out there), starting next Sunday I will be having a Dear Abby type posting, called drumroll here tadadadada.... Dear Shelly, how original is that?! The whole idea of this is to do an advice column and start some hopefully great conversation. So what I need you to do is to send me some questions, about anything, crafting, lovelife, work, really anything at all and I will do what ever it takes to find answers. I may give my opinion or search the web or turn the questions back to you my bloggy friends. No, I do not have amazing qualifications as a therapist or counselor but I am a good listener and I have lived quite a full life so I have alot of experience in alot of areas and most of all I am fun and I like to talk and I think this will be an amazing way to start some interesting conversations and make great friends. So please join in and start sending questions!

Until later,

Friday, June 3, 2011

Resolution check up...

Being that we are 6 months into 2011 I decided it might be a good idea to check up on myself and my resolutions for the year, so here goes.

1.Finanaces- doing pretty good, we were so buried that we decided we had no choice but to start over so we are in the process of that. It was such a hard decision but the relief I feel is so unbelievable and I know for a fact it was the right choice and that we are headed in a positive direction! so far a pass!
2. Daily dos- doing great actually feel like my home is more organized than it has ever been, love that!! so definetly pass
3. Lose 30 lbs. - Umm, so far big fail! Oops, better get on that!
4. Pray- so ashamed to say fail, I am going to do better it is so important!
5. Date night- not good enough, we go out but not as often as we should, working on it though! For our anniversary we have a big day date planned for tomorrow, I can't wait to share! Not really a pass or a fail at this point, we will call it a C.

So there is my report, how are your resolutions coming along?

Until later,

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Us!...

11 years ago today I married my prince charming, he seriously is such a nice, good man. After coming from a rough first marriage, I always waited for the other shoe to drop after I married Mike, but honestly he has been an amazing partner. Of course he is not perfect, neither am I, but we are really good together and I appreciate that so much. It also helps that he is hot!!
Happy Anniversary to my partner in crime, life and love!

Until later,

How to Serve Those in Need- on a Budget

Hello Everyone!! With the holidays upon us, I am realizing that with this new chapter of our life, we are going to have to find new ways to ...